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Stop rolling out your IT bands if you want to succeed!

The Truth

You may be getting even tighter by hitting your Iliotibial band with a foam roller or dense object.

We have all seen tons of folksdestroying the side of their leg on the foam roller. I came across an article from titled “Don’t Roll Out Your IT Band!”.

I wanted to paraphrase it for you because of its value.

They are all misinformed.

We know that with optimal ROM, performance increases. A subtle change in ROM is going to be the difference between you and your opponent or goal.

Sit tight while I tell you tricks to increased range of motion so you are the next to show up in your local paper.

Why will it make you tighter?

The Iliotibial Band is a long strip of connective tissue originating on the TFL, Glute Med and Max, Ilium and inserting all the way down on the lateral aspect of the Tibia.

When the muscles around the hip get weak, the connective tissue does more to support and stabilize the body. This requires it to get tight.

Putting tons of load upon the IT band is not the answer,for it is just going to breakdown the connective tissue causing even more potential injuries such as sprains or strains.

The Answers

Strengthen your abductors (Glute Med, Max, Min and TFL).

Once these muscles can support themselves without tons of help from the IT band, it willrelax and loosen itself up.

To strengthen these muscles simply abduct the leg with low resistance or even just bodyweight. Many people preform the famous ITbandfoam rolling maneuver in the hopes of increasing flexibility and reducing soreness.

If ROM improvements areunder your radar, hop off the rollers and lacrosse balls and get under some load!

After a good dynamic warmup, use static stretching, band work for joint capsule manipulation, and foam rolling as a way to increase blood flow to the muscles while increasing lubrication in the joints.

The next step is essential.

Preform light loaded dynamic compound movements that test your mobility (between 30-60% of your max).

WARNING: DO NOT LOAD HEAVY! Even just getting a cm deeper in a movement that gives you trouble is still progress.

I applied this to my own training when I was working on the front squat and the snatch. I used to quarter squat those two respective movements, and I am finally able to complete both.During my time training the Fanshawe men’s baseball team, I utilized these techniques before we squatted. Most of the players that came to me had lack of mobility in the hips.

For more tips methods for athletic enhancement drop your email in the box below.

Keep up the great work!



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